eLearning Test Portal

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Ukoliko želite da budete korisnik ovog portala, molim vas dauplatite $18 putem ovog servisa kako biste podržali naš rad. Nakon toga, kredencijali će vam u roku od 24 časa biti dostavljeni na email. (PayPal ili kreditna kartica.) Nalog će vam biti aktivan narednih godinu dana. U tom periodu, imate mogućnost neograničenog broja testiranja znanja iz raznih oblasti.


If you want to be a user of this portal, please pay $18 through this service to support our work. After that, credentials will be delivered to you by email within 24 hours. (PayPal or credit card.) Your account will be active for 1 year. During this period, you have the opportunity to test an unlimited number of tests in various fields.